If you know WHY you’re living you can enjoy any HOW. Find your WHY and the how will uncover.

If you know WHY you’re living you can enjoy any HOW.

You should not be worried about; HOW you will get things. HOW you should pursue your purpose. You should be worried about the WHY.

The WHY should guide you.

It’s about WHY you’re doing what you’re doing. Purpose always asks WHY.

Purpose doesn’t ask HOW.

What asks HOW is the brain.

The brain asks:

“but how?”

If you’d told me three years ago:

You’re gonna write a book

I’d say:

“Stop! You’re [ __ ] crazy! Me?!”

If somebody would say:

“Bro, you’re gonna be a speaker – In Sweden!”

I still can’t understand how it happened! Imagine!

Your purpose asks WHY and guides you.

If you can listen for your why:

“Why I want to do what I’m saying I want to do?”

That’s the direction!

The HOW isn’t your problem.

Maybe you’re searching for the how to find the why – it doesn’t come!

You have to search for the WHY!

If you know WHY you’re living you can enjoy any HOW.

Find your WHY and the how will uncover.

Find your WHY and your purpose will unfold

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